
09 Jul,2024

Rotaract Club of GL Bajaj organized multiple impactful programs

The Rotaract Club of GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management (GLBITM) organized multiple impactful programs like Project Nayan, Extempore Extragravaza, Jal Sanrakshan, and many more.
These activities bring together students and community members and promote engagement and learning. From promoting eye health to water conservation, our initiatives are making a difference! Let's celebrate the spirit of service and community at GL Bajaj Rotaract.

Rotaract ClubRotaract ClubRotaract ClubRotaract ClubRotaract ClubRotaract Club


Plot No.2 , APJ Abdul Kalam Road, Knowledge Park 3, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201306

Helpline No. 8010-000-234