23 May,2018
MOU with MTAB Technology center Pvt Ltd.
MTC provides solutions in Advanced Manufacturing Technology Education and training, Technical Training Systems;
covering the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Medical Engineering, Electrical & electronics Engineering and Electronics
& Instrumentation Engineering.
MTAB will:
Conduct the train the trainer program for CIM to GL BAJAJ’s trainer.
Hand hold GL Bajaj Conduct certifying tests and provides certificates for those participants who have cleared the tests.
Provide training material for the course to the participants.
Not have any claims or rights against the trade name, technology, marks, and logos of GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management
MTC will not record, store, transmit or use any material, trade name, technology, marks, expertise and logos of Institute under any circumstances without a written approval from GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management
This MOU may be amended and supplemented in writing at any time as decided and agreed by mutual written consent of the Parties.