29 Jul,2024
Faculty Development Program on Pedagogies and Holistic development of learners
A Faculty Development Program (FDP) titled "Pedagogies and Holistic Development of Learners – A Tour of NEP 2020" was successfully conducted from 29th July to 2nd August 2024, with 119 participants from various institutions. The program was jointly organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at GL Bajaj ITM, Greater Noida, and the Department of Management Studies, Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari, Karnataka. The FDP aimed to equip faculty members with a comprehensive understanding of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, focusing on innovative teaching pedagogies and strategies for the holistic development of learners. Over five days, participants engaged in expert lectures, interactive workshops, and group discussions on topics such as innovative pedagogies, holistic learner development, assessment techniques aligned with NEP 2020, and the future directions for implementing NEP in higher education.
The program featured a diverse set of resource persons, including faculty from renowned institutions and industry experts, who provided valuable insights on integrating technology in teaching, fostering cognitive and emotional growth in students, and designing assessments that reflect both academic and non-academic progress. The sessions encouraged the adoption of student-centric and experiential learning methods to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. The FDP concluded with participants presenting their action plans for implementing NEP 2020 in their teaching practices. The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, reflecting the practical relevance of the program. The event concluded with a commitment from all participants to contribute actively to the successful implementation of NEP 2020 in their respective institutions, with gratitude extended to all speakers, facilitators, and participants for their valuable contributions.