23 Nov,2023
Exposure and field visit for problem identification in 18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023
Objective of event (should be related to I/E/IPR):
Guidance on problem identification procedure.
Use of Technology
Transformation of Needs and Supply the Future skill sets
Empowering Minds for the Technology skill sets
Benefits in terms of learning / skill / knowledge obtained (should be related to I/E/IPR): Empowering skills and innovation in transformation of Technology and Future skill sets availability with Higher Education.
The Theme: Empowering Minds, Driving Transformation: Redefining the Future of Higher Education, was addressed by Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Chair FICCI Higher Education Committee. “Use of Technology and Social Interaction” for Higher Educaion was addressed by the special guest Mr. Ashutosh Gupta. The Keynote Address by Shri. B. V. R. Subrahmanyam, CEO, NITI Aayog on “Transformation” as Demand-Supply for Higher Education. FICCI EY Knowledge Report 2023 was released after the Keynote speaker. Event was followed by another Keynote Address by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister for Education & Skill Development Entrepreneurship, Govt of India. Finally, the session was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Prof. Souvik Bhattacharyya, Co-chair, FICCI Higher Education Committee and Senior Vice President, TCG Crest followed by the Inauguration of Exhibition. All the Students visited the Exhibition followed by the food packets distribution.
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