09 Aug,2018
Freshers’ Orientation Program 2018
An orientation program for the newly admitted students of B.Tech, MBA and MCA has been started on July 9, 18. The program envisages sensitizing the students on various activities of the institute including Academics, Research, Discipline, Co-curricular and Extra Curricular activities.
On the very first day Director of the Institute along with the HODs of the various departments addressed the students and the students also witnessed local tour to the nearby areas.
In the week long program, Experts will handle various sessions on ragging, the power of emotional intelligence, motivation and mentoring, developing smart personality with high-level competencies, transactional analysis, cybercrimes, prospects of engineering and management courses, etc. Counselling sessions and group task are also the part of the program.
Close to 1100 first year students studying in various courses will attend the program.
