Advisory Committee

- Prof. (Dr.) M.M.Gore, Professor, MNNIT Allahabad
- Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Sanyal, Professor , Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida, UP 201306.
- Prof.(Dr.) Manjeet Singh,Professor J.C Bose. University of Science & Technology, YMCA Faridabad,Haryana
- Prof.(Dr.) Sansar Singh Chauhan Head , Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida, UP 201306
- Prof.(Dr.) Sanjeev Kumar Pippal Head , Department of CSE-AI, GL Bajaj Institute of Technology & Management, Greater Noida, UP 201306
- Prof. (Dr.) Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque , Department of Teleinformatics Engineering (DETI), Federal University of Ceará, Brazil
- Prof.(Dr.) Fadi- Al-Turjman, Artificial Intelligence Engineering Department, Research Center for AI and IoT, AI and Robotics Institute, Near East University, Mersin 10, Turkey.
- Prof.(Dr.) Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Dept. General, Hellas
- Prof. (Dr.) M.K.Dutta , Amity University, Noida, UP.
- Prof. (Dr.) Raghuraj Singh, Professor & Dean, Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur UP
- Prof.(Dr.) Arun Sharma, Professor and Head, IGDTUW, Delhi
- Prof.(Dr.) Avadhesh Kumar, Pro. V.C. , Galgotia University, UP
- Prof. (Dr.) Kapil Sharma, DTU,Delhi.
- Prof.(Dr.) R.S. Yadav, MNNIT, Allabahad, U.P.
- Dr. Mahesh Kumar , IIT Patna
- Prof.(Dr.) Parmanand, Sharda University, Greater Noida
- Prof.(Dr.) D.K. Lobiyal, JNU, New Delhi.
- Dr. Karan Singh, JNU New Delhi
- Dr. Tarun Rawat, NSUT, Dwarka
- Dr. Sapna Katiyar, Advisor (Technology), Impledge Technologies, India
- Dr. Kuldeep Singh Kaswan, Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, UP, India
- Dr. R. Maheswar, Professor, Department of ECE, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India. *List to be updated